Quadra - Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Quadra operates since 2003 as a private provider of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) services for management of conflicts and commercial and civil disputes

Quadra administers mediation, arbitration and expertise procedures,
promotes diffusion of ADR principles and realises world-class training

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Basic training in mediation techniques (52h) - ITALIAN LANGUAGE

20 - 29 september 2012


Basic training in mediation techniques (52h) - ITALIAN LANGUAGE

Basic course in mediation techniques, organized in six days during which it will be covered the entire the ministerial program for the accreditation as a mediator (as provided by Ministerial Decree n. 28/2010) and addressed all basic topics. In particular, the course allow participants to learn about modern theories based on evaluative mediation, as well as facilitative problem-solving, and finally transformative. Theoretical notions are supported with a significant practical experience and four simulated mediations, different exercises, and two demos. The fifth day is devoted to practical tests (two simulated mediations) and the sixth and last day to theoretical tests.

The participation to the entire course and the passing of final tests permit to register as a mediator Ministerial Decree n. 28/2010.

The course will be held on 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29 September 2012, in Italian language.

This course is advised to...

The course is aimed primarily to those who wish to gain_basic techniques in mediation (regardless of training and educational qualifications) and / or the qualification as a "mediator" under Ministerial Decree n. 28/2010 (for which is indispensable to have at least a BA degree or to be registered to an Italian professional body ).

The course is still useful, beyond the objectives described above, for anyone wishing to assist their clients in mediation as consultants or who find himself managing conflicts and wish to acquire a new technical approach.

Quadra teacher
Organization details

basic-training-in-mediation-techniques-milan-may-2012Introduction to theories of conflict and ways of typical reaction
Types of approaches to mediation
Typical referrals
Independent mediation and institutional mediation . Introducing legislation on mediation in Italy and regulations the most popular ADR centres
First demo by an expert mediator (case study # 1): how to get in mediation and how to manage parties ,their advisers and attorneys
Best (and worst) practices

2nd day (09.00 - 14.00 and 15:00 to 19:00)
Communication in Mediation
Techniques of active listening
No case study # 2
perceptual positioning
Mediators and assistants
The management of emotions
Practice (case study # 3)

3rd day (09.00 - 17:00 with working lunch)
The differences between the evaluative approach, the problem-solving and the transformative one.
Second demo by expert mediator (case study # 4): comparing approaches
Recognition: what it is and How it is established
Practice (case study # 5)
Identification of areas of interest and issues of representation

4th day (09.00 - 14.00 and 15:00 to 19:00)
Mediation under legislation
Experiences of court-annexed mediation systems abroad
International and EU legislation
The mediation system in the decree n. 28/2010
Practice (case study # 6)
Focus on what is meant by success in mediation
Techniques of formalization of agreements reached in mediation
Different types of mediator (social, institutional, professional)

5th day (09.00 - 14.00 and 15:00 to 19:00)
Tests of practical assessment

6th day (09.00 - 17:00 with working lunch)
Tests of theoretical assessment
Future prospects and requirements for the acquisition and maintenance of the status of mediator under Italian Ministerial Decree n. 28/2010

Villa Miani - Via Tiepolo, 12 31057 Lanzago di Silea (TV )
Max participants: 30