Quadra - Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Quadra operates since 2003 as a private provider of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) services for management of conflicts and commercial and civil disputes

Quadra administers mediation, arbitration and expertise procedures,
promotes diffusion of ADR principles and realises world-class training

our services

QUADRA offers integrated services for managing civil and commercial disputes.

Quadra is activated upon one party's request, irrespective of the fact that this is based on a previous agreement with the other party. Quadra then identifies the most opportune avenue to deal with the case, and start working on building the consensus needed in order to implement it.

The Quadra ADR Rules detail the process, that is so structured:

  • the parties may first of all make recourse to an expertise procedure, in which a expert is asked to render an opinion on a unclear situation, either de facto or de jure. It is the task of Quadra to select an independent expert, and take care he or she respects impartiality. The expertise procedure is fairly speedy, and the parties may agree on the fact that the expert's opinion is either final or not
  • if party agree on mediation, Quadra appoints one or more experienced neutrals. Their task is mainly to modify the negative spirals of conflict, by so allowing the parties to re-gain control on it, and be put in a position to take all appropriate decisions useful to overcome it (among those, of course, that of reaching a settlement agreement).
  • arbitration is a mechanism basically modelled on litigation, and leads to final binding decision; however, it may be much more flexible and neutral.


Taylor made dispute resolution systems
A public body, but also a private company or a partnership, and also an individual often need to set up appropriate management systems so to properly deal with either internal (with emplyoees or partners) and external conflict (e.g. with suppliers, clients, etc). Quadra specialises in offering conflict management tools that may pair with traditionai CMR (Customer Relationship Management) ones. Early intervention minimizes costs and enhances the chances of reaching satisfactory solutions.

Traning and certification
QUADRA offers opportunities to gain an insight on ADR world to everybody desires to broad his views and develop new skills. Quadra adopts the better training standards, and can deliver tailor-made courses.

QUADRA certifies mediators in transformative, facilitative/problem-solving or evaluative approach as IMI QAP.
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