Quadra - Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Quadra operates since 2003 as a private provider of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) services for management of conflicts and commercial and civil disputes

Quadra administers mediation, arbitration and expertise procedures,
promotes diffusion of ADR principles and realises world-class training

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The transformative approach applied to management of conflicts in organizations (4 hours)

15 october 2012


The transformative approach applied to management of conflicts in organizations (4 hours)

14.30 - 18.00

@ Quadra HQ // Blend Tower, piazza IV novembre, 7


in collaborations with

Every organization deals sooner or later with conflict phenomena amongst those involved in it. The intensity of the phenomenon, both latent or manifest, can of course vary depending on the circumstances, from a simple dissatisfaction to more blatant cases of disagreement and it also may be transversal to the hierarchical relationships involving subjects at all levels. In all cases, it is a phenomenon generally detrimental to the proper functioning of organizations.

What are the remedies? They are different: from the usual, and often ineffective, authoritarian repression, to the simplistic laxity.
For years those who deal with these problems are trying to identify conflict management methods that are able to turn conflict from a disruptive to a growing factor for the individuals involved and the organization itself.
A particularly innovative approach is the one that is based on the so-called 'transformation" of conflict and the adoption of appropriate techniques to facilitate dialogue, recognition of own responsibilities and understanding.
These techniques originated in the United States and still little used in Italy.
The event aims to take all this in account, and is therefore a valuable opportunity to update all interested parties (in particular, human resource specialists, managers and consultants).

This course is advised to...
  • HR specialists in organizations
  • Managers
  • Workplace and union advisors
  • Anyone interested in the topic 
Organization details

14:30 Congress opening with Carlo Mosca

15:00 Phenomenology of conflict within organizations and theoretical foundations of the transformative approach

  • The state of the art analysis of the dynamics in interpersonal and inter-group conflict.
  • Destructive aspects of the relationship and the possibility of their transformation whilst supporting the surge of empowerment and recognition.
  • Interests at stake, the myth of harmony and the humanist perspective of dialogue between responsible subjects.

16:00 Debate and commented cases

  • Conflicts within the U.S. Postal Service and the TSA Model Workplace Program (USA).
  • The experience of English SMEs.
  • Large organizations and formalization of paths for internal conflict management.
  • The structuring of the intervention. Aspects relating to the confidentiality.
  • The intervention of a mediator outside the organization and training of mediators in-house.
  • The right time for intervention.

18:30 Closing


Joseph P. Folger
Dr. Folger is a Professor of Communication at Temple University in Philadelphia.
He received a Ph.D. in communication from the University of Wisconsin and served on the faculty of the University of Michigan prior to his appointment at Temple.
He is a former chair of the communication department and the former Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at the School of Communications and Theater.
He conducts research and teaches in the area of conflict management, mediation, group process and decision-making. Dr. Folger has worked extensively as a third party intervener and mediator in organizational, community and family disputes. He has been the program chair for the National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution and has helped to establish several major conflict intervention programs.
He is currently a senior consultant with Communication Research Associates where he conducts communication skills training, coaching and conflict intervention. Dr. Folger has published extensively in the area of communication, conflict and mediation. His recent books include the award-winning volumes Working through Conflict: Strategies for Relationships, Groups and Organizations, 3rd Edition (with S. Poole and R.K. Stutman) and The Promise of Mediation: Responding to Conflict through Empowerment and Recognition (with R.A.B. Bush). He has also published numerous research articles as well as the edited volume, New directions in mediation (with T. S. Jones).
Most recently he completed a two-year mediation training development project funded by the Hewlett and Surdna Foundations. He is also co-editor, with R.A.B. Bush of the new publication, Designing Mediation: Approaches to Training and Practice within a Transformative Framework (Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, 2001). 

Jane Gunn
Jane Gunn is a highly experienced mediator who specialises in complex and highly emotive cases. She was accredited in 1996 (CEDR), and has recently been made a Mediator Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
A former City Solicitor, Jane is now a full time mediator and is a Lead Faculty on the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Mediator Training Course. She has mediated a wide variety of disputes including, business, partnership, employment, property and construction, personal injury and clinical negligence, trusts and family.
Jane has been invited to speak at the United Nations, the European Commission and International Energy Agency and fulfilled a number of other international speaking engagements. Addressed the U.S. Department of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission on the role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the borderless on-line market and made a presentation to President Clinton’s legal team at the White House.

Carlo Mosca
Born in Treviso in 1957, studied law in Bologna. Lawyer in international matters and ADR practitioner since the mid 90s.
Member of the CEDR training faculty (London) from 2000 to 2007. Since 1997, he imported in Italy the firsts courses on mediation techniques, moreover he conceived Curia Mercatorum (Treviso) and supervised its training programs.
Partner of MATA - Mediation Training Alternatives (London), along with his friend David Richbell. Founder of Quadra in 2003, Carlo has gradually abandoned the original problem-solving approach, embracing instead the transformative one of which he is now a firm believer.
Over the years he has created courses on mediation and arbitration for various organizations (ICC - ADR Center S.p.A., ISDACI, several Chambers of Commerce, Bar associations and accountants, ...).
He is now scientific director of Quadra and various other organizations. During the spring of 2011, he started an ambitious training project aimed at spreading arbitration and transformative mediation in the Italian commercial sector.


BUNDLE "CONGRESS + (following day) WORKSHOP" (OCTOBER 16TH, 2012 - 6 hours - click here to view the workshop programme):

euro 550,00 + VAT (instead of euro 600,00 + VAT)


Presso Blend Tower – 7, piazza IV Novembre