Quadra - Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Quadra operates since 2003 as a private provider of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) services for management of conflicts and commercial and civil disputes

Quadra administers mediation, arbitration and expertise procedures,
promotes diffusion of ADR principles and realises world-class training

June 15, 2017


June 15, 2017. The Italian Parliament upper chamber (Senato) today supported the government in the final approval of a bill setting a correction of the public budget. Among a plethora of extravagant provisions, a notable one concerns mediation; rather, the scheme providing for a mandatory orientation preliminary meeting before going to court in a number of cases (including real estate disputes, condominium, inheritance, car accidents, ...). Said scheme was to elapse in few weeks, being limited to a 4-year trial period. The practical effect would have probably had the mediation put in oblivion (in 2012-13, when it was temporarily set apart, the requests for mediation dramatically dropped from about 50,000 per quarter to some 5,000!). The text approved today does not set any further test periods; it reads instead "From 2018 onward, the Minister of Justice shall report annually to the Chambers on the effects produced, and the results achieved by the application of the provisions of this paragraph [i.e. the mandatory scheme]".

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